PBR00016: Looking for a suitable bride for our son (BE, Senior engineer, Bangalore)

Profile id: PBR00016
Gender: Male
Currently Residing in: Bangalore
Mother tongue: Kannada
Sub caste: Smartha
Gothra: Kaundinya
Nakshatra and Paada: Poorvabhadra
Rashi: Kumbha
height (in feet): 5’9″
Marital status: Remarriage
Educational qualification: BE
Current job and job experience: Senior Planner
Job location: Bangalore

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BR000233: Looking for a suitable bride for our son (B.E, Chennai)

Profile Id: BR000233
Gender : Male
Birth year: May 1995
Sub sect : Brahacharanam
Rasi: Simham
Star: Magham
Gothram: Athreyam

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